What Is My Intention: Part 1

I woke up one morning feeling that I was directed to share my love for crystals in a store setting.  I have always used crystals in some of my craft projects. And every time I have a significant health issue, such as the removal of a pituitary adenoma, open-heart surgery, or my present journey of four years, neurological and spine issues.  I need crystals to help me in my healing.  They are not healing; they are a tool to be used like my many physicians and surgeons. I have been telling people that this is the happiest that I have been since I could remember. I have gone from being dependent on a high level of opioids for my chronic pain.  Consistent and chronic pain will drive you crazy literally. It was a struggle to be motivated to fight the good fight. 

I am ecstatic.  I am seeing Nashville and its growth is fantastic.  I recently walked in Wal-Mart, something I hadn’t been able to do in four years.

I am sharing my story because I am in divine order.  I have a beautiful collection of gems, and my intention to share is of my highest good.  I am preparing to have a grand opening for my crystal collection in early October.  You will be able to examine the collection either in person or on Youtube.  Look out for my invitation and please accept it as your presence will heal my heart.

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